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Flora and Fana offers acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, Chinese dietary therapy, lifestyle counseling, and meditation. We focus on whole-person health to bring health to the body, mind, and spirit. 

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Dr. Marie Najjar, D.Ac., L.Ac.



Marie received her Doctorate of Acupuncture from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. She discovered Chinese medicine while having her own healing challenges and was inspired to learn more about Chinese medical philosophy and share it with others. 


She works to help patients overcome individual healing challenges related to the body, mind, and spirit. She has successfully treated pain, autoimmune disorders, anxiety, digestion issues, skin diseases, headaches, migraines, high blood pressure, blood disorders, gynecological disorders, joint inflammation, sciatica, emotional trauma, PTSD, arthritis, stress disorders, long-Covid issues, sinusitis, chronic fatigue, and more. 


When she is not practicing or studying acupuncture, she enjoys spending time in nature, reading, meditating, and crafting.

Acupuncture and other featured therapies can help with: 

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Cupping Therapy
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"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." 

Nikola Tesla

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