I'm often asked how needling a point on one part of the body can stop pain in another part of the body. The short answer is the mechanism of acupuncture is the fascia. The fascia is the connective webbing of connective tissue in the body. It works similarly to the fungal network of the forest. The trees are able to communicate through the network by sending chemical, hormonal, and electrical signals through the fungal network. The fascia network is the anatomical basis for acupuncture points and acupuncture channels in the body. These channels or passageways are somewhat predictable in the same what that muscular development and embryonic tissue unfold. Blockages in the fascia created by trauma, blood stagnation, plaque, etc. can imbed the blood, fluid, and qi flow in the body. Manipulating the acupuncture points created by divots in the fascia can help release these blockages and restore communication resulting in decreased pain and pathology.
